ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º WELCOME TO º º º º The Only Web Publishing Tutorial You'll Ever Need! º º º º Evaluation Version 2.0 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ +++ PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE FILE BEFORE USING THIS PROGRAM +++ THE ONLY WEB PUBLISHING TUTORIAL YOU'LL EVER NEED Ver. 2.0 Copyright (c)1996 BC ENTERPRISES All rights reserved. AUTHOR: Brian J. Collopy E-Mail: buddha@bcent.com WWW: http://www.bcent.com RELEASE DATE: 04-06-96 FILE: htmtut20.zip This file contains the following information: 1. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM 2. LONG DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM 3. INSTALLING AND RUNNING THIS PROGRAM FROM DOS 4. INSTALLING AND RUNNING THIS PROGRAM FROM WINDOWS 3.1 5. INSTALLING AND RUNNING THIS PROGRAM FROM WINDOWS '95 6. LEGALESE 7. REGISTRATION BENEFITS 8. HOW TO REGISTER 1. SHORT DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM ---------------------------- + Learn about the powerful, flexible, and ever-growing syntax of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), the language of the World Wide Web. + Learn what you need to make a handsome web page, incorporating multimedia, user-interactivity, graphics, and color. + If you can strike keys on your keyboard, you can learn HTML, and this program shows you the basics in a very easy-to-understand way. 2. LONG DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM ---------------------------- This is a widely updated, very easy to use and complete text and graphics-based tutorial which helps the beginner learn the fun and exciting world of HTML: the markup language that is used to make home pages on the World Wide Web. The tutorial covers all the essential basics to format text and paragraphs, use different font sizes, make lists, use color and graphics, different layouts, and has whole sections on design considerations, file management, and UNIX file conventions. Perfect for the small business or home user alike, this evaluation version has everything you need to get started and learn the essentials. The registered version of this program is the most complete tutorial currently available as shareware in electronic format. It contains 75 files of Web graphics, 10 animations, and has well over twice the HTML information and source code to incorporate in Web pages than the shareware version, including the HTML 2.0, HTML 3.0 Microsoft's and Netscape's code extensions to help the user take full advantage of the Web's power with extensive alignment, fill-in forms processing, intricate color control, advanced tables and complex frames, and full interactive multimedia. Additional provisions are two utility programs, free support, info and documentation on Java scripting & applets, more graphic examples in the program, and a complete set of explanatory source code and plenty of "tricks" with HTML! See the WHATSNEW.TXT file for the details of this new version. 3. INSTALLING AND RUNNING FROM DOS ------------------------------- >>> If you are installing this program from DOS, just type INSTALL and press the ENTER key, then type START or HTML to begin the program from within the directory you chose to place the files. 4. INSTALLING AND RUNNING FROM WINDOWS 3.1 --------------------------------------- >>> If you are installing this program from WINDOWS 3.1 simply double-click on the INSTALL.EXE file located in this archive, or choose RUN from the Program Manager's FILE menu and select INSTALL.EXE from the drive and directory where this file is located. The program itself runs in DOS, but will shell out appropriately, install the program files where you want, and create an icon in the Program Manager for you. Make sure you are using the native Win 3.1 Program Manager as your shell, or the install utility may not function properly. 5. INSTALLING THIS PROGRAM FROM WINDOWS '95 ---------------------------------------- >>> If you are installing this program from WINDOWS '95 -simply click on the INSTALL.EXE file located in this archive, or choose RUN from the Start Menu and use the BROWSE button to locate the INSTALL.EXE file. The program itself runs in DOS, but will shell out appropriately, install the program files where you want, and create an icon in the Start Menu for you. NOTE: when the program first installs and extracts the program files, it will do so in a DOS window, and does not automatically close. This is the default for Win '95. Close it yourself when it completes with the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window. After that, the program will begin to run in another DOS window. Enlarge the window, and use your down arrow to choose EXIT THIS PROGRAM from the main menu. Then, once the icon is created in the Start Menu, click the icon to highlight it, and edit the PROPERTIES. Doing this procedure in Windows '95 will allow you to choose the program from the Start Menu and have it shell out full-screen in DOS. Here's how-----> To get to the icon's Properties: Once the icon is colorized (selected), you can either 1. Hold down the ALT key and press the ENTER key 2. Hold down the ALT key and double-left-click with your mouse 3. Right-click and choose the last item, PROPERTIES. Now, edit the properties as follows: 1. Click the PROGRAM tab, and at the bottom, select "CLOSE ON EXIT" That way when you end the program, it will hop right back into Windows and close itself. 2. Select "MAXIMIZED" from the RUN selection box. 3. Now click the SCREEN tab, and select "FULL SCREEN" changing these minor elements in this program and in many others will simplify running under Win '95 [If you are using an alternate shell such as Norton Navigator, Dashboard, or other replacement, the install program may not work. In that event, revert to the native '95 shell and try again] 6. LEGALESE -------- The original files on this program must not be altered in any way. Such doing is a violation of Federal Copyright Law. BC ENTERPRISES DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. BC ENTERPRISES SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL BC ENTERPRISES' LIABILITY FOR ANY SUCH DAMAGES BE IN EXCESS TO THE AMOUNT PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THIS SOFTWARE REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE USER BEARS ALL RISKS AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. All information contained in this program is current at the time of writing and by nature may be subject to change over time. Implementation of such procedures and directions herein must be at the total risk of the user. If you feel that this program is not performing satisfactorily for you, please return it to us so that we may attempt to correct the problem for you. Thank you for your understanding. 7. REGISTRATION BENEFITS The registered version of this program is currently the most complete soup-to-nuts help program on HTML in electronic format available as shareware for PC-based systems. That's why you should buy it! REGISTRATION OF $29 GIVES YOU: +++ #1 YOU WILL KNOW ABOUT THE UPDATES FIRST Because HTML is growing so rapidly, updates will be available. Then you can keep up on the trend and incorporate the newer HTML provisions into your pages. UPDATES ARE AT NO COST TO YOU FOR ONE FULL YEAR. +++ #2 TECHNICAL SUPPORT For three months, technical support will be available to you at no cost through e-mail. That's like graduating from college with your professor's address in your wallet. If I do not know the answer to help you, I will find it or direct you to it. I, like you, am a student also. +++ #3 HANDSOME GRAPHICS We'll throw in some great looking graphics you can use immediately for your pages. Icons, buttons, lines, pictures... and even a small collection of animated graphics too! Neat! +++ #4 Two free utility programs to work with HTML files. +++ #5 Printing out of the files is disabled in the shareware version, enabled in the registered one. SIMPLY PUT: YOU GET YOUR MONEY'S WORTH AND MORE What is contained in this evaluation version is a great deal of HTML, but there is plenty more to know. We'll include all the nice-to-have extras for you, and show how to do some very cool tricks with graphics, and text on your pages. Be prepared to receive extra chapters, and much much more than what is in this version. You will learn all the details and know-how about advanced HTML+ features like frames and tables. What is presented in this shareware version is everything to make a nice looking page, but there is a lot more HTML to "fine tune" your page, like alignment HTML and extensions to tags that are supported in the new HTML+ standard and the 2.0 standard as well. You will get ALL that info in the registered version. Then, a greatly expanded HTML file which you can load into your browser that will give you links to many of the search engines on the web to ease your future research and acquire helpful utilities for your HTML development like utilities and software and yet more information, as well as our prompt personal technical support to help you on your way. The registered version contains tons of code, the code for all the graphics used, and very expanded chapters and details to learn all you want to know. 8. HOW TO REGISTER - Slower method: shipped within 10 days Choose ORDER THE REGISTERED VERSION from the main menu of the program. It will ask your name, address, etc. and print out an order form for you. You can pay by check or money order this way. If you would like, you can print out the REGISTER.FRM file to order by mail also. TIME: shipped within 10 days once we receive the order. - Quickest Way: shipped within 48 hrs. CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY WITH THIS METHOD! You can order with MC, Visa, Amex, or Discover from Public (software) Library by calling: 800-242-4775 or 713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398 or by CIS Email to 71355,470 (internet: 71335.470@compuserve.com) You can also mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. >>> OUR ITEM NUMBER WITH PsL IS #14567 THE ABOVE NUMBERS ARE FOR CREDIT CARD ORDERS ONLY. THE AUTHOR OF THIS PROGRAM CANNOT BE REACHED AT THESE NUMBERS. Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc, must be directed to: sales@bcent.com or by calling BC ENTERPRISES directly at 1-800-778-6400 To insure that you get the latest version, PsL will notify us the day of your order and we will ship the product directly to you within 48 hrs.